The CBD has now officially become coffee central in New Orleans and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it. My pal and longtime cyclist and super talented art director Wes McWhorter has recently opened his latest passion project, the cycling centric cafe, Rouler (601 Baronne St, New Orleans). Located smack dab in the middle of one of the city’s highest growth areas, Rouler is more than just a cafe. In the time I’ve spent there this week, I’ve recognized it’s more importantly it’s about being part of community. Here’s their mission statement —
“Rouler is a cycling-related lifestyle brand specializing in performance apparel, mechanical and fitting services, and competitive and non-competitive events. Nestled in the vibrant heart of downtown New Orleans, our flagship store invites patrons to linger and enjoy the rich cycling culture and community of our wonderful city.”
Wes and his team have provided a space and hub for cyclists from all over the city to meetup for rides, talk and buy great gear, watch international bike races, all the while enjoying a great coffee. The interior is flooded with natural light, there’s comfortable seating everywhere, and it all makes me what to jump back into cycling and be a part of it all. Check out the rest of the photos from my visit as well as a great promo video for Rouler below.