I can’t imagine ever being without glasses or even wearing contacts. I’ve been wearing glasses on and off since grade school and they have always been part of my identity. Just recently I was sifting through old family photos and came accross a stack of photos from high school, which was the only time in my life I didn’t wear glasses. I gazed at the glossies and said to myself under my own breath, “what a dork”. Back in those days I had big product laden hair, very little facial hair, and the images honestly didn’t truly remind me of myself. Over the years, glasses have become part of my identity.

Fast forward to just before The Big K, and that was essentially the last time I had my eyes checked by a professional and fitted with proper specs. I couldn’t have been more happy to finally get my first true “I’m finally an adult” pair of glasses from St. Charles vision (8040 St. Charles Ave New Orleans, LA 70118 / 504.866.6311). I always felt that eventually, sometime in my lifetime, I would end up shopping and experiencing St. Charles Vision like so many folks around town had talked so highly about. I must admit that my only previous “optical” experience was with one of those “by the time you’re done with your Chic-Fil-A” your non-attention to detail glasses will be ready type of places. My experience at St. Charles Vision was quite the oposite.
I was very impressed with their level of options and vast selection of the biggest and most storied brands in the business. Of course the one that I was most drawn to initially was Persol. Just to name drop a few, besides Persol, St. Charles Vision carries everything from Chanel, Prada, Chloe, to more envelope pushing nameplates like John Varvatos, Salt, and the official runner up to my final choice, Oliver Peoples.
The moment I walked in, I was greeted cheerfulky. I walked around a few minutes getting my visual footing. I was approached by Chris just as I was about to start picking out some frames. I filled him in on the situation and offered me some general direction. I tried a few on that initially looked like the “one” which just didn’t work for me in the mirror. As I was trying to find my way through the multitudes of options, Chris reeled me back in with 3 masterful choices. Perfect. I spent a few moments with each pair pushing them behind my ears and finally to rest them on the bridge of my nose. With each “look”, Chris gave me the honest and specific feedback that I needed for each pair. I never felt as though Chris was placating me just for fun as so many other retailers do to persuade you to buy. I decided on the final pair and got the final smile and nod of approval from Chris. Ironically it was the Persols that I ended up with, but the other choices Chris offered up certainly made for a thoughtful yet tough decision.
I’ve never been a huge fan of visiting with any type of doctor. Certainly the length of time between my eye exams was beginning to wain and cause for concern was certainly sneaking up on me. Dr. Glaser and his staff were thorough and professional through each level of my exam. Outfitted with the latest tech in optometry, there’s not much St. Charles Vision can’t do to help make your sight better.
With each and every feature, the theme continues to be all about service. As things constantly change, service is truly the only way businesses small to large can compete. St. Charles Vision prides themselves on providing a diverse selection as well as the best service.
Some brands live in a very dellusional state in which they think they are providing the ultimate level of service while falling short on their faces. Those folks should pay attention to St. Charles Vision.
The moment I walked out the door, I couldn’t wait to return for my new glasses. The finish product arrived way earlier than I expected, and I found myself speeding over there to fetch them. The wow moment happened and continues to each day I put slide them behind my ears.Even though I visited the St. Charles Ave. location, St. Charles Vision has 5 other locations around town and somewhere near you.