It’s been at least a hot minute since we launched our “Nola Perfect 10” feature. Out of the 10 ladies featured for their individual style and grace, Katie Dumestre has grown and changed the most. As 1/2 of the prolific creative team behind The Elizabeth Chronicles, Katie has truly come full circle.

Authentic is how I would describe her style these days. Whether it’s the adorable wear-it-better-than Mia Farrow pixie cut, dreamy Dreamcar tights, Bats On Tees purse, or even how she rocks her now signature kicks, Katie has found her style wheelhouse. She’s effortlessly #Chic just as her own The Elizabeth Chronicles tee proclaims. You go gurl.
Sunnies — Krewe Du Optic #Chic T – The Elizabeth Chronicles Purse – Bats on Tees Tights – Dreamcar Clothing